You won’t believe this about Flesh-eating STD donovanosis. A New York Times article was posted on this week on how this new STD is spreading like wildfire across the country. This is a story that you’ve never heard before. I’ve read of this STD being carried and passed from one to another like an STD virus. Well, this week, I was called on to perform a STD check on a friend and I was shocked to find out he had this STD.

Well, I know what you’re thinking. What’s this STD have to doYou won’t believe this about Flesh-eating STD donovanosis. I’ve been reading the reports of the CDC, and it’s just crazy.

It’s been in the news for quite a while now, but it all started when a girl named Stephanie was pregnant. She was planning to breastfeed her child, but her boyfriend at the time was just too rough and demanding. She ended up getting an abortion. Well, she had the abortion, but she still got the infection. She also made it to six weeks.

She is currently in theYou won’t believe this about Flesh-eating STD donovanosis. It’s not the disease for which this is really famous.It’s really nothing special at all. It’s a problem with the bacteria on the surface of your skin.


Sylvia: That’s a really good question, Donna. But let me set this up real quick because I think it’s important to clarify this. I believe a certain drug, which I’ll call Zinc Binder (ZBI) can help break up the surface bacteria in