Where is The Batman?

In the first film, The Batman is a mysterious, shadowy figure who turns up in Gotham City. He does not have a super power. He makes a mean apple pie; uses a Batarang to fight crime, but he doesn’t think there’s any good crime to fight. In the second film, he becomes a good guy, living in a nice apartment and a family.

The Dark Knight Rises shows the Batman as having become something of a superhero over his life,Where is The Batman?

Thursday, February 27, 2015

With the release of the new Batman movie scheduled for this summer, I thought of the great question of where DC’s Dark Knight would be in the grand history of the Caped Crusader. I’ll begin here:

(I have only read Green Lantern, Batman’s nemesis in the comics, and I do not speak for any of the other DC heroes.)

Green Lantern:

In Green Lantern #15 after the destruction of theWhere is The Batman?

By: Joe Kita

The Batman

The Batman has been in three different movies. In the first, Warner Brothers made their first attempt at bringing the dark and gothic world of Batman to life on the big screen. They tried, but couldn’t pull it off. In the second, producer and director Tim Burton proved that the Batman franchise could get a whole lot darker and gothic, and in the very last Batman movie directed by Tim Burton, he