Where is Kyle Rittenhouse?

Kyle Rittenhouse has an interesting place to be. He has all the ingredients of success right here in this country. He does not have the pedigree of a LeBron-level NBA player from a high school that made a lot of noise in college. He does not have the family history of a Larry Bird, Magic, or Kobe, nor does he have the star power of a LeBron or a Kevin Love. He has all the ingredients of success in this country.

Yet, RWhere is Kyle Rittenhouse? He would have been the best first round pick for the Packers last year. He should also be the first pick in April’s draft. Yet, he is currently on the bench working out with his teammates at outside linebacker. Rittenhouse is a versatile player, which shows in his workouts with his team. What makes him a valuable draft-able player is his versatility as well.

1.) How will the Packers use Rittenhouse?

2.) What should the Packers do with RWhere is Kyle Rittenhouse?

Now that the big announcement is out of the way, I am going to start getting a jump on today’s column. I usually don’t have time to do much research, but today I had the chance to read a recent Washington Post article about the recent election and I was delighted to read it in its entirety. However, as I was trying to finish the article, I noticed it was the first time I had seen an interesting tidbit about the man I am writing