When did Dune born?

What is the background to the legend of Dune?

I find the story of John Norman quite fascinating and quite complex. So many parallels to the story and history of the Catholic Church - especially as it pertains to the Papacy, the Inquisition and the Jesuit order. This article, just from Wikipedia, is a very brief history. It is very interesting. I am just finishing the article below, called the “Dune” Myth by one, Michael Sallah, from whichWhen did Dune born?

I believe that the inspiration for Dune was a short story written by a little-known SF author. I don’t remember the writer’s name, but I do remember that his name was William Paul Reynolds, and the story was called “Trouble on Triton”.

William Paul Reynolds, or Rinehart, was a prolific writer, and his stories were read by many SF fans and fans of SF. The Triton storyWhen did Dune born? We’ve already seen two of the original seven novels: The Green Amendments and The Green Death. But where the third novel, The Green Dragon, is set? It’s the year 2632, and Dune is set in a future where the planet is under siege by the planet-destroying Gernsback, a species of lizard-men who had just discovered the secret of the spice, the plant that gives its name to the novel. The Gernsbacks had

title: When did Dune born?

When did Dune born?

What is the background to the legend of Dune?

I find the story of John Norman quite fascinating and quite complex. So many parallels to the story and history of the Catholic Church - especially as it pertains to the Papacy, the Inquisition and the Jesuit order. This article, just from Wikipedia, is a very brief history. It is very interesting. I am just finishing the article below, called the “Dune” Myth by one, Michael Sallah, from whichWhen did Dune born?

I believe that the inspiration for Dune was a short story written by a little-known SF author. I don’t remember the writer’s name, but I do remember that his name was William Paul Reynolds, and the story was called “Trouble on Triton”.

William Paul Reynolds, or Rinehart, was a prolific writer, and his stories were read by many SF fans and fans of SF. The Triton storyWhen did Dune born? We’ve already seen two of the original seven novels: The Green Amendments and The Green Death. But where the third novel, The Green Dragon, is set? It’s the year 2632, and Dune is set in a future where the planet is under siege by the planet-destroying Gernsback, a species of lizard-men who had just discovered the secret of the spice, the plant that gives its name to the novel. The Gernsbacks had