When did Daylight Savings die?

This week is the last week of daylight savings time. It may not seem like a big deal to most of you, but I had noticed the days have not really gone back when I first started working out. It’s almost like I just woke up on a summer day and it was still nighttime, and I got back to normal.

I know we all want to do things on our schedule, like when we wake up so we can go to sleep at a certain timeWhen did Daylight Savings die? We’re glad it did. The dark days of the past winter were an embarrassment to all of us, and with good reason: The old law was a travesty. Instead of giving us an extra hour of light each day that would have given us more time to spend with our families, we lost an hour per day and lost the joy of it. We are sorry, and we’re sorry to our children.

The good news is that we, your faithful journalists, are fully behindWhen did Daylight Savings die? - geezer2 http://slaterlec.com/2014/03/31/after-the-spring-break-sunset-has-just-arrived/

wickedOne If the article was true, would it make an impact on electricity and carbon footprints? I’m not talking about the amount of CO2 release but the substitution or cancellation of solar power for the sun in particular hours under the sun.

title: When did Daylight Savings die?

When did Daylight Savings die?

This week is the last week of daylight savings time. It may not seem like a big deal to most of you, but I had noticed the days have not really gone back when I first started working out. It’s almost like I just woke up on a summer day and it was still nighttime, and I got back to normal.

I know we all want to do things on our schedule, like when we wake up so we can go to sleep at a certain timeWhen did Daylight Savings die? We’re glad it did. The dark days of the past winter were an embarrassment to all of us, and with good reason: The old law was a travesty. Instead of giving us an extra hour of light each day that would have given us more time to spend with our families, we lost an hour per day and lost the joy of it. We are sorry, and we’re sorry to our children.

The good news is that we, your faithful journalists, are fully behindWhen did Daylight Savings die? - geezer2 http://slaterlec.com/2014/03/31/after-the-spring-break-sunset-has-just-arrived/

wickedOne If the article was true, would it make an impact on electricity and carbon footprints? I’m not talking about the amount of CO2 release but the substitution or cancellation of solar power for the sun in particular hours under the sun.