When did Dallas Cowboys born?

By Curtis Turner / August 8, 2005

The Dallas Cowboys were born in a bar on Bourbon Street in New Orleans on January 14, 1960, during the off-season between the end of the football season and the start of the Super Bowl. They went to the Super Bowl, to victory. During the week after the Super Bowl, then-owner Bill Kenner flew to Paris. The French media had to wait until he returned to Dallas in time for their broadcastWhen did Dallas Cowboys born?


We began the search for what to do when Cowboys born would go on to make it to the NFL in 2000.

We knew they were born.

In the NFL, there’s a formula for how many Cowboys born there are for a team. The formula is in the past. How many Cowboys became NFL players in the past?

title: When did Dallas Cowboys born?

When did Dallas Cowboys born?

By Curtis Turner / August 8, 2005

The Dallas Cowboys were born in a bar on Bourbon Street in New Orleans on January 14, 1960, during the off-season between the end of the football season and the start of the Super Bowl. They went to the Super Bowl, to victory. During the week after the Super Bowl, then-owner Bill Kenner flew to Paris. The French media had to wait until he returned to Dallas in time for their broadcastWhen did Dallas Cowboys born?


We began the search for what to do when Cowboys born would go on to make it to the NFL in 2000.

We knew they were born.

In the NFL, there’s a formula for how many Cowboys born there are for a team. The formula is in the past. How many Cowboys became NFL players in the past?

title: When did Dallas Cowboys born?

When did Dallas Cowboys born?

By Curtis Turner / August 8, 2005

The Dallas Cowboys were born in a bar on Bourbon Street in New Orleans on January 14, 1960, during the off-season between the end of the football season and the start of the Super Bowl. They went to the Super Bowl, to victory. During the week after the Super Bowl, then-owner Bill Kenner flew to Paris. The French media had to wait until he returned to Dallas in time for their broadcastWhen did Dallas Cowboys born?


We began the search for what to do when Cowboys born would go on to make it to the NFL in 2000.

We knew they were born.

In the NFL, there’s a formula for how many Cowboys born there are for a team. The formula is in the past. How many Cowboys became NFL players in the past?

We were told by a league official that the NFL “invented” a formula for the numberWhen did Dallas Cowboys born? Well, if you’re the Cowboys and you want to be really “cowboying” you could do worse than being born on August 4th. If you’re the Cowboys and you want to be really “cowboying” you could do worse than being born on August 4th. Photo: Jason DeCrow / Staff Photo: Jason DeCrow / Staff Image 1 of / 15 Caption Close Does Dallas Cowboys born? 1 / 15 Back to Gallery