When did Belfast die?

My second question is: where is Belfast going?

The city is in a parlous state. It is on the precipice – on the edge. At some point, you have to see the city as something beyond good or bad, an opportunity or a threat. You have to see it in the context of its history.

I first came to Belfast in 1995. My journey was part of the great post-war migration of young people – of the first generation toWhen did Belfast die?

Why are the new buildings that are starting to come across the new town of Belfast now considered the Belfast of the 21st century?

The new town was built on the site of the old town. But why do some think that the new town is the Belfast of the 21st century?

To people in Belfast we are just starting to feel the benefits of the Belfast City Deal – and the development of the new town – and are beginning to wonder why we are not seeing newWhen did Belfast die? Who killed it? And is it coming back?

I was out in the rain in the pouring afternoon thunderstorm with my camera crew when we spotted the first car creeping past the cordon. It was a Land Rover that was full of members of the Provisional IRA as they tried to get back on the road out of the city, before it was shut down.

The car pulled over to the side of the road, and a man got out, who was wearing a light grey