What is Fetty Wap?

Fetty Wap is an anonymous, free and open-source, decentralized app (DApp), built to create a safe space for people to communicate, trade and form groups.

What is FWH?

Fetty Wap (FWH) is an anonymous, free and open-source, decentralized app (DApp) built to create a safe space for people to communicate, trade and form groups.


The idea came about aroundWhat is Fetty Wap?

The Fetty Wap song that brought the internet to its knees in December 2010 was not the first time the little-known Miami-based artist had used an earworm to get his point across. That distinction went to Justin Bieber’s “What Do You Mean?” four years earlier.

It was the “What is it?” chorus that gave the world’s favorite pop-rap star his moniker: the “Fetty WWhat is Fetty Wap?

According to the Fetty Wap Foundation, Fetty Wap is the most popular unofficial street slang/expression of the black youth culture of the 1980’s and 1990’s. In this culture, Fetty Wap was used by those who were in to the music, drugs, clothes, and art of that time in an attempt to describe the positive side of black culture.

Today, Fetty Wap is often used as a slang term for a sexual act