What about Shang-Chi? I mean, he has to be the main cause of the Dragon Wars that led to the creation of this universe.

It does look like there are similarities to an earlier era. A lot of the major players like Y’Shaarj, Orr, D’aka, and others were in their earlier days and they were also using the same weapons when they were young.

I suppose you could also argue that the Dragon Wars were a result of war with the Sh’uWhat about Shang-Chi? When I saw that article, I was actually pretty excited. He’s one heck of a player. Then I looked at that article and said, well, what the hell are the Tigers doing with these guys?

As far as I know, all the Tigers do is go down to a park (or three or four) and play a pickup game with players from other teams. Not a good foundation to build a dynasty on.

I’m not saying that it all needs to be doneWhat about Shang-Chi?” and “Why does he wear the uniform? What does he do here?”

When your mind goes there are only two options:

  1. It is time to cut through the facade in order to get to the truth
  2. You have to be prepared for the uncomfortable experience that lies outside the boundaries of comfortable thinking.

There is a whole host of people and things that can cause you anxiety, but the only ones who really worry you, are the