What about Pete Davidson?

Pete Davidson is a YouTube star with almost 7 million subscribers. He doesn’t need to do much to get a million, but his YouTube channel is one of the most visited on the web.

In late 2017, Davidson released one of the best video game-related videos ever, “A Billion Dollars Gone,” which garnered around 1.4 million likes and more than 5 million views. After a few weeks, he posted his first meme videos, “What about Pete Davidson? Did he go to a different school?

What about Pete Davidson? Did he go to a different school?

Pete Davidson at the premiere of his new movie “Codyville” in April. | AP

The latest addition to the Davidson family is not a school but a movie, “Codyville,” a documentary about how he and his family were forced to flee a small town in Arkansas after he was convicted of felony aggravated assault. The incidentWhat about Pete Davidson? Does he have a good, good chance?"

“Yeah, definitely.”

I can’t believe the way Pete’s face twitches, and how the corner of his mouth wrinkles up, as if he’s in a trance. He looks like he’s going to start nodding off if you push him any harder.

“I don’t know,” Pete says. “He could totally pull it off. Maybe.”

“So you’re saying you actually believe him?”