This post is about Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton is a former president of the United States and a former secretary of state. He is a billionaire and a global activist. But he’s also a notorious sexual abuser and hypocrite. Even before being elected president, he is already the world’s most infamous sexual predator. He made this up.

Bill Clinton has been accused of sexual assault and harassment on at least 40 separate occasions. There have been claims of sexual molestation and rape. This past year theThis post is about Bill Clinton. It is not a personal attack on a former president, because he’s not a former president to me.

I am so sorry to even write this, because I have so little good to say about Bill, and I have tried to write well about him. I have even defended him, and have written things like this:

Clinton seems to think that it’s fine to lie to the public about things that he knows in his heart to be false, because then heThis post is about Bill Clinton.

On a night in January 2014 when the U.S. Senate was holding a hearing on the Department of Justice’s decision to indict a former congressman and lobbyist named Jeffrey Epstein, the former president of the United States sat in the front row, listening. When he did, he was the only American who spoke.

“Well, Jeffrey Epstein is a sick man and a child molester,” he said. “What he did was awful. He preyed