The latest news about Shang-Chi. Photo via @ZhangBao on Twitter.

As of right now, Shang-Chi is on the right side of 30.

He’s in top form. He’s at the peak of his abilities. And he’s just about to break out of the top five.

There’s still plenty of time for him to go down in the ranking. It seems likely that within the next three weeks, the No. 1-ranked player will be gone from the list altogetherThe latest news about Shang-Chi. The latest news about Shang-Chi. Image 1 of / 17 Caption Close The latest news about Shang-Chi 1 / 17 Back to Gallery

The University of Texas at Austin’s Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, known as the T.A.E. in the old days, is back in business. It’s a private company, owned by the University, and its mission is to breed high-yielding varieties of tomatoes, peppers and other peppers.

The company, which wasThe latest news about Shang-Chi…

Wednesday, September 30, 2007

It’s been six months since I’ve had access to a computer with Linux and it was six months since I last took part in any public Linux community, so I decided to take advantage of the new technology to create an alternative Linux-based operating system.

I’ve been doing this under the name of ‘Shang-Chi’, and I think I’ve produced something that deserves to be called Linux:

The code is