How to find USA vs Mexico?


  1. Go to

  2. Click on “Find in a hurry”

  3. Enter the county you are in and click “Find”

  4. Enter the state you are in and click “Find”

  5. Enter the zip code you are in and click “Find”

  6. Click “Next”

  7. If it’s time to change your zip code, repeat steps 5 & 6 until you have the zipHow to find USA vs Mexico?

  8. Find the cheapest flight

  9. Fly from a non-usa airport in USA to a non-usa airport in Mexico

  10. Stay in Mexico until you find a cheaper flight home

  11. Stay in Mexico till your visa is issued to you

  12. Get a tourist visa

  13. Return to USA and use the tourist visa for your return flight

The process can take from hours to days, so check back often. And don’t forget to fillHow to find USA vs Mexico?

For those of you who’ve been living under a rock for the last few weeks, the United States and Mexico have been engaged in a heated debate over our collective rights to an open-border policy.

In truth, the issue that we have with our neighbors is not about our national rights, but rather the treatment of undocumented Mexicans (both past and present) in the United States.

Many have pointed to the plight of those immigrants from Central America that were brought to