How to find Klay Thompson?

Klay Thompson should have a good NBA season. Why? Why does everyone think this guy has any chance of being the best player in the NBA this year? Because he’s Klay Thompson. In order for Klay to have a shot at being in the top tier, he’s going to have to show more and more and more and more.

There is no other way.

His numbers have looked good for most of the season. He’s really been getting more shotsHow to find Klay Thompson?

This is all I have to guide you through some of the best ways to find a particular player. I will not talk about Klay Thompson and his game, as there is plenty already out there. I will discuss how Klay is ranked as he is one of the best players I know, but I will not discuss his game or whether he is better than Stephen Curry or not. I will focus on finding a particular player and not on the topic of Klay and his game. How to find Klay Thompson?

A few weeks ago, I was going through some old draft lists of potential All-Star choices and I came across Klay Thompson’s name.

I don’t remember what prompted me to pull the information, but I know it wasn’t random, and wasn’t done in any specific order. It was simply a question that kept popping up in the back of my mind. But I wasn’t quite sure of its significance.