How to find Johannes Vermeer?

There are many reasons why you are interested in visiting the home of Johannes Vermeer. There are also many things you can do to help you identify the painting that is most like your own version of Vermeer’s masterpiece.

The artist

It’s been suggested that Johannes Vermeer, the Dutch painter who started his art career aged 18 in Rotterdam, painted about 50 works in total, each a picture of a small scene that he would hold in his leftHow to find Johannes Vermeer?

If you want to find Johannes Vermeer you will most likely want to visit one of the following museums:

Ave Maria Church at the heart of the Old Town, with its baroque façade and stained glass windows, and the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, with its baroque façade and Renaissance towers. Both churches and museums were designed by the 18th-century architect Sebastiano Serlio (1661–1733).

How to find Johannes Vermeer?

Johannes Vermeer (1632–1675) was a Dutch artist, engraver, painter and draughtsman of the Golden Age. He is often regarded as a master of impressionism. More than just the painter who painted the Mona Lisa and the ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’, he is one of the greatest masters of the entire genre of the self-portraits. He was most known for his self-portraits but