How to do something with Taylor Swift?

This is the second part of a two-part series on how to “do” Taylor Swift.

If you’re like many Americans who know little about her and have no idea who she is, this list is for you. You might be thinking, “Who is this Taylor Swift? I’m completely clueless. What does she look like? What does she sound like? What is her personality like?” I’m here to helpHow to do something with Taylor Swift? No problem, there’s a solution to this question. Find a way to make a move that will make the world turn its head. If someone comes out of nowhere and says she loves you, all you have to do is be prepared to say she has the potential to be the next Taylor Swift.

So, how do you make the world turn its head on Taylor Swift? Just follow this simple five-step process.

Step #1 – Think About It…

How to do something with Taylor Swift? Start with her second collection of singles. The way you do something with any pop star is by opening her next album.

As a music-obsessed girl raised on a steady diet of the girl group sound, the notion has always struck me as somewhat strange – how can you start a new album with a new record you’ve been going back for years?

Except it is. It’s the only way you can really start a whole new musical revolution with a pop