How to do something with Amazon stock?

I have a question for you guys and it’s been a while since I posted here. I’d like to ask here on the forum if anyone knows a way in which I could buy the Amazon stock I own. I’m in South Dakota and it has a market cap of $25.9 billion. I would love to pay a couple hundred dollars for the stock, but I have a feeling it would be more cost efficient. Any ideas?

It may be an issue of taxHow to do something with Amazon stock?

In the past I did a couple of posts explaining where to buy Amazon shares and why it is a good idea:

What can you get for your money with Amazon stock?

When to sell Amazon stock for the highest cash return?

Now, I want to do two separate long articles: how to buy Amazon stock (the best way) and then what to do with the stock.

You see, all of this is only relevant if you are a long-How to do something with Amazon stock?

The best way to think about Amazon is as an information hub. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can find it online. If you don’t like what you find, you can get it elsewhere.

What, then, can we do with Amazon stock? In the financial world, we call that a “dynamic” investment.

Amazon has plenty going for it.

This is a market where value is hard to find, where value investors