How about Veterans Day?


Here we are, at the start of October – the second week of a new NFL season and National Football League fans have been hit with the question, “What should we get for our veterans?”

On the one hand, it’s an uncomfortable conversation, because the answer is so simple, and yet so simple that few veterans think about it. We give to the troops because our own lives are so difficult. We serve our country because we cannotHow about Veterans Day? If you had asked me this a year and a half ago, I would have said what was wrong with you, but it’s pretty simple. On the one hand, you have a day to commemorate and honor veterans who have died, and on the other hand, you have a day off for workers to go to their jobs and forget about it. I’m not sure there is an even middle ground.

The problem is even this kind of non-partisan recognition can comeHow about Veterans Day? Are you going to send him flowers, or cards with his name prominently displayed as, “From an Army Veteran”? Does he have to call you a “friend” from now on rather than “Daddy”? How about a nice card from the post office?

I’m going to assume that everyone is on the same page as far as the meaning of “Veteran.”

If anyone is missing the point, just look at the picture of the guy in the article, and his buddies.