How about Johannes Vermeer?

An Englishman, born in 1632?

A painter who used the name Vermeer, after Jan Vermeer?

A painter of the Golden Age?

A painter who is usually listed as Vermeer’s teacher?

An artist who, like Vermeer, sometimes uses the name?

An artist who worked as an assistant to Vermeer?

A painter who did not know Vermeer?

An artist whoHow about Johannes Vermeer? And that’s just the beginning of the questions I’m willing to pose at any moment as I sit here in my usual seat, the one with the comfortable reading chair on it, my usual comfy cane propped up next to it.

Maybe it’s the weather in Berlin: the sun is shining and the temperature is a balmy 70 degrees. Maybe it’s that I’ve never had to actually run out of my house and run at least twice to my car in order to get toHow about Johannes Vermeer?

“Museum of the History of Science and Technology” or “Museum of Contemporary Science and Innovation” or “Museum of Science and Design” are all terms that refer to the same institution, and the name is quite fitting. The first of them is a good choice as long as we do not get carried away. The name “Science Museum” dates back more than 200 years and was chosen because it reminded us of the scientific discipline – science