How about Alec Baldwin?

The actor has apparently been offered $100m for his likeness.

Well, that’s a huge amount for a character actor.

Baldwin has been offered $100m for his likeness to go on T-shirts and coffee mugs, and his wife, Hilaria, was even filmed by the man himself.

Yes, Baldwin has apparently been shot for a T-shirt.

And Hilaria is the only person who has everHow about Alec Baldwin?

This week’s big news isn’t a surprise from our usual schedule of celebrity deaths. It’s that Donald Trump, the one who spent his presidential campaign claiming that the press was the “enemy of the people,” is at it again, this time claiming that the entire news media is the enemy.

“It is the very lowlife press that is doing the phony Russian stories that make up a story in order to demean and totallyHow about Alec Baldwin?

I don’t know. Probably not. But you might have to remind yourself to call him Al from now on (to his face, not to his name).

How about Amy Poehler or Tina Fey?

Let’s not rule out that whole generation of female comics, though. That would be hilarious.

How about the actors that work under Alec (or in his movie career)?

There’s a whole generation of pretty impressive and interesting actors who have worked for

title: How about Alec Baldwin?

How about Alec Baldwin?

The actor has apparently been offered $100m for his likeness.

Well, that’s a huge amount for a character actor.

Baldwin has been offered $100m for his likeness to go on T-shirts and coffee mugs, and his wife, Hilaria, was even filmed by the man himself.

Yes, Baldwin has apparently been shot for a T-shirt.

And Hilaria is the only person who has everHow about Alec Baldwin?

This week’s big news isn’t a surprise from our usual schedule of celebrity deaths. It’s that Donald Trump, the one who spent his presidential campaign claiming that the press was the “enemy of the people,” is at it again, this time claiming that the entire news media is the enemy.

“It is the very lowlife press that is doing the phony Russian stories that make up a story in order to demean and totallyHow about Alec Baldwin?

I don’t know. Probably not. But you might have to remind yourself to call him Al from now on (to his face, not to his name).

How about Amy Poehler or Tina Fey?

Let’s not rule out that whole generation of female comics, though. That would be hilarious.

How about the actors that work under Alec (or in his movie career)?

There’s a whole generation of pretty impressive and interesting actors who have worked for