About Meta.Meta.Meta

Meta.Meta.Meta is a site designed for meta-bloggers on Meta.

The design team built Meta.Meta.Meta by the book: no extraneous features, no distractions. The goal was to keep it simple and accessible, and for the most part the team did an excellent job with that.

The new design has some major design choices, including the switch over from CSS to HTML, a new top navigation bar, and a new theme –About Meta.Southeast

The Meta.SouthEast project aims to integrate and facilitate the access of new and traditional regional science and technology transfer activities. The region offers a number of attractive scientific opportunities, and has strong policy and legal mechanisms for fostering the international and regional cooperation of science.

The goal of the Meta.SouthEast is to provide a single repository for the exchange of information and a meeting place for stakeholders interested in regional science and technology transfer. It will provide access to resources for the dissemination ofAbout Meta.SE

This site is about Meta, an incredible community of programmers and academics who get things done. If you’re a programmer and you’re not part of the Meta community, you’re missing out.

Meta.SE isn’t just about programming. It’s about culture: what programming community looks like, what makes a community interesting, what makes a program community cool, and how to make it grow.

We have a lot to share!

Please note that most Meta.