About Mark Harmon.

My name is Mark Harmon I am a published author of five books in three genres, ’Writing for Screen’ and ‘Scriptwriting and the Movie Business’ I spend most of my life in the business helping people communicate their ideas, develop ideas and start new projects. I am the Editor of the Writing for Screen Series, a magazine which has been published in more than 20 countries since 2006.

I live in Los Angeles, California USA and work as a Creative DirectorAbout Mark Harmon.

Hi I’m Mark Harmon and I have a passion for photography, music, and writing. I’ve been doing it for over ten years and love being able to share with you what I create and share it with as many people as possible. I’m also a professional musician, and have been recording and performing locally since I was 16.

When I am not shooting photos I am taking care of my two little boys. My wife and I were married in June of 2011. We haveAbout Mark Harmon. A professor of English at the University of South Florida, he has edited The Oxford Companion to American Literature since 1995, and is the editor of a new volume on the American epic.

There’s a moment in last week’s Republican debate during which Donald Trump was shown a video of an exchange between then-candidate Mitt Romney and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. Cruz was attacking Obama on Medicare, and Romney defended it. This is a moment I’ve always thought belonged