About Kyle Rittenhouse.

Kyle Rittenhouse is a professional author and editor who has been working with the publishing industry for over 20 years. His writing has appeared in a variety of magazines and newspapers, including the Arizona Republic, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia Weekly, and The Philadelphia Weekly. His own website, The Booking Agent, features free online resources and articles for writers, editors, and publishers interested in promoting self-publishing, including news on how to get your book published.

How toAbout Kyle Rittenhouse. For the last ten years, he taught philosophy at the University of Texas at Austin. In addition to publishing one book, he has written for the New York Times, the Chronicle of Higher Education, Philosophy and PopMatters and The Chronicle of Higher Education Online. His current project is The Epistemology of Skepticism: How to Have Good Reasons to Believe Anything.

How often have you heard the claim, in a philosophical context, that belief is belief because it is belief, evenAbout Kyle Rittenhouse. Author and broadcaster.

Kyle Rittenhouse’s latest book, Kill Team, can be read here. His previous books include The Rise of the Warriors: A Social History of Sport in Canada, The Power of Sports: The Politics of Performance and The Sport of Nations: A History of Canadian Sport. He is also author of The Great Game: Canada and the Pursuit of the Commonwealth (Toronto University Press) and co-author of The Rise of the Warriors: The Story of Canada